Effect Handlers - 01 : Basics & Examples

10 minute read


These short notes summarise my own initial exploration of effect handlers, as a

foundation for further studies of lexical effect handlers.

Effect Handler is a relatively new concept in programming languages proposed by Plotkin and Pretnar that has now been incorporated into OCaml 5.0. This note will keep most of the discussion at an “intuitive” level and could contain some mistakes.


Here are some useful materials I referred to for my own reading:


The essence of effect handler is to cope with the “ad-hoc” and “hard-wired” interactions and the consequences of effectful programming, as suggested by its name.

Imagine programs as blackboxes that takes input and gives output. In real-world scenarios programs must interact with the environment and will encounter “effectful” operations. Such effects are very pervasive and covers different aspects of a program. These interaction with the world must also be properly handled alongside pure functional programming.

To give some examples, these include: IO, Read/Write, Exception, Mutable State, Concurrency, Backtracking.

However, if we directly merge them into the functional programming system without alternation, problems will arise as in many programming languages these effects are often ad-hoc and hard-coded. These effects are usually implemented separately and it would be hard to alter the behaviours of such effects.

We must introduce some mechanism for composable and structured control-flow abstraction in a modular way. Another thing may come to mind would be monads stuff, including like state monads and monad transformers. I’ll only talk about their differences with algebraic effect handlers later should I have time and let’s keep the focus to the effect handlers, proposed by Plotkin & Pretnar at 2009 [1].

Effect handlers allow us to define and use computational effects in a flexible way with allowing lots of space for customisation. It has multiple applications and has trigued great interest from Academia to industry.

Understanding Algebraic Effects via Examples

These examples were taken and altered from Sam Lindley and Ningning Xie’s talk [2][3].

Algebraic Effects & Effect Types

Lets first consider the following effect signatures (signatures of Effects).

idea: we start with a signature of operations that our effect is allowed to do.

Choose {
    choose : () -> Bool
Exn {
    fail : () -> a

The Choose effect type contains a single operation of choose, which further takes a single unit and returns a Bool.

Similarly, the Exn (for Exception) effect type contains a single operation of fail, which takes a unit and returns a polymorphic variable a (=return a value of any type).

Under a real-world context, it should not be hard to grip the meaning of these and we could already start to using effect operations in a program.

Let’s consider a normal coin tossing, which gives a result of either head or tail.

The result of a normal toss, should be of type Toss, which contains only Heads and Tails.

Definition Toss := Heads | Tails
toss : () -> < Choose | ε > Toss
toss () = if choose() then Heads else Tails

The semantics of the toss function is quite straitforward. Considering its type: the type annotation of the function contains the effect information that says “it’s a function that may perform effectful operations via the Choose effect type” (well, maybe a few others from the $\epsilon$ but we don’t care about that for the moment).

Let’s now consider a slighly more complicated coin tossing, “drunk coin tossing”. Now imagine you are a drunk man and you want to toss a coin, you may not be able to successfully complete such mission, introducing the possible scenario of failing (i.e. Exceptions).

toss : () -> < Choose | ε > Toss
toss () = if choose() then Heads else Tails

(* extension *)

drunkToss : () -> < Choose | Exn | ε > Toss
drunkToss = if choose() then
                if choose() then Heads else Tails
            else fail()

now the two choose() function in drunkToss definition has different meanings. The first one is to indicate “drunk or not” - if you are drunk, then you may fail to toss a coin, whilst the second one is to describe the behaviour of coin tossing itself as before.

Notice now we are using the effectful operations choose() and fail() at the same time. Therefore the effect signature of drunkToss also says that now, both effect types of Choose and Exn could be appearing in the computation of drunkToss().

Effect Handlers

The detailed semantics of algebraic effect operations are actually given by the effect handlers, explaining “how are we going to handle those effects”. They define what happens when an operation is performed.

Consider the maybeFail being the effect handler for the Exn effect.

maybeFail = {
    fail |-> \forall x k . Nothing
    return |-> \forall x . Just x

(* some examples *)
handle maybeFail 42 ---> Just 42
handle maybeFail (fail()) ---> Nothing

In maybeFail, it defines what happens when fail is performed: giving Nothing. I

t should also contains a case for return when the computation does not contain the effect and effectful stuff and then just returns normally (giving Just x).

Here, maybeFail turn the result of such computation procedure, roughly speaking, into a Maybe datatype.

In the case of handling with fail, maybeFail turns the result into a function that simply accepts two arguments, where

  • the first argument x in the code is the argument to the operation, in this case unit, as fail only takes unit type.

  • the second argument k, which is the continuation captured from where the operation is performed that the handler is used to perform this operation. In this simple case, maybeFail does not make use of such continuation and just aborts it and return Nothing.

In the case of coping the return operation, maybeFail just captures the return value and captures it inside a Just.

Have a look at the examples in the code. This is what the operational semantics of the handler will give us.

maybeFail is a handler for Exn. And similarly we can define a handler for Choose. Consider trueChoice:

trueChoice = {
    choose |-> \forall x k. k True
    return |-> \forall x . x

(* examples *)
handle trueChoice 42 ---> 42
handle trueChoice (toss ()) -> Heads

This handler basically says “you always return a True when you need to make a choice”.

In the choose case, x is again an argument to the operation, in this case a unit, and k is the continuation. The whole choose() operation in this case will be interpreted by handler, saying that “let’s continue the original computation via continuation k, with having the choice of True”.

In the return clause case: just giving an identity function on the return value.

From the last example we see that it is possible to “pass on” the continuation k. Therefore, it is not difficult to come up with the idea that:

An effect handler may choose to resume the original computation via k for multiple times.

Here let’s give an example that is not considered to be a “linear” handler.

allChoices = {
    choose |-> \forall x k . k True ++ k False
    return |-> \forall x . [x]

(* examples *)
handle allChoices 42 -> [42]
handle allChoices (toss()) -> [Heads, Tails]

Here we can see the continuation k is used twice with argument True and False respectively, and their results are concatenated. The return case here also wraps the return result value into a singleton list. This results in the second computation example of handle allChoices (toss()) returning [Heads, Tails].

Up to now we are all handling a single operation. Effect handlers could be composed together to handle multiple effects. Resuming from the definition of drunkToss above, we can use an example to illustrate handler composition.

handle allChoices
    (handle maybeFail drunkToss())
    result: [Just Heads, Just Tails, Nothing]

For detailed reasoning, use the operational semantics of effect handlers, which we will discuss later. For a simpler reasoning, maybeFail decides upon fail() and, based on the result in the two choice() function, could give different results of either Just Heads (1st choose = true, 2nd = true), Just Tails (1st = true, 2nd = false), or Nothing (1st = false). Therefore, the following allChoices handler will explore all possible choices and results of the choose function and concat the results together. If you actually expand the computation you will see the result given in the example.

This is also the starting point of lexically scoped effect handlers, where we try to remove the dependency of runtime stack (dynamic scope) for different handlers and try to analyze the results under a lexical scope.

Now if we swap the order we apply the handlers, differences then occur.

handle maybeFail
    (handle allChoices drunkToss())
    result: Nothing

This turns the computation result into (in a sense) a Maybe of a list. As long as a single fail operation is performed in the program, this maybeFail will turn the whole computation result into Nothing. For details refer to the operational semantics.

These examples show that effect handlers can be composed in a modular way (handler composition) and in composition we do not need to worry about the legality of using different orders (only concerned with detailed programs).

Hopefully in the next note I can write more about the operational semantics and different classifications (deep, shallow, sheep) etc.


[1] Plotkin, G., & Pretnar, M. (2009, March). Handlers of algebraic effects. European Symposium on Programming (pp. 80-94). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

[2] Lindley, S. (2022, July 11-15). Effect Handler Oriented Programming [Invited Talk]. SPLV 2022, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

[3] Xie, N. (2024, May). Algebraic Effect Handlers with Parallelizable Computations [Keynote]. Lambda Days 2024, Krakow, Poland.